Chris Bierton

June 01, 2021 1 min read

Chris Bierton - RampFest Skate Park Owner and BMX Rider

Full Name: Chris Bierton

Age:  34

Years Riding:  22

Sport:  BMX

Role at RampFest:  Owner (jack of all trades, master of none), BMX Coach

Chris has been riding BMX since he was 12 years old - and has been working in the BMX scene in Australia for years.  First as an event organiser, then a coach, Chris has owned & run RampFest since Jan 2014.  

Favourite Melbourne Skate Park (not Rampfest):  Noble Park Skate Park these days... years ago, Knox (old knox of course), or Hillendale because of the epic sessions that would go down there!

Favourite Rider/s?:  Mike Aitken, Jason Watts, Dennis Enarson, Corey Bohan, Jake Wallwork, Logan Martin, Brandon Loupos.

Favourite Video Part/s?:  Mike Aitken, Anthem 2 - easily the best BMX part ever. 

Favourite RampFest Customer?:  Chantelle aka "Nails"

What do you love about your sport?:  Going fast and jumping stuff... 22 years of doing it and it's still crazy fun.  And just the people you meet along the way - most of my best friends I met through BMX, and without it, I've no idea what my life would have looked like.

What do you do when you aren't riding?:  Running, playing footy, snowboarding, trying to surf, and playing with the dog!

Socials:  I have them.... Instagram @chrisbierton - but don't expect much... 

Contact Chris:

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