First Timer Specials!

So you want to have a go at RampFest – that’s RAD – this guide will help you get started quickly and safely, and you’ll be on your way to shredding in now time!

Step 1:  Get your Gear together

First thing you need to do is give your equipment a quick check over.


Checking your ride:

  • Tyre pressure (for bikes)
  • Bars are correctly aligned (bikes & scooters)
  • Handlebars have bar ends (bikes & scooters)
  • Wheels are all rolling smoothly (bikes, scooters, skateboards etc)
  • Nuts and bolts are all tight(bikes, scooters, skateboards etc)
  • If you’re not sure about your gear, bring it in and we can have a look over it for you.

Checking your helmet: 

  • It should fit firmly on your head, and sit just above your eyes.
  • The strap should sit under your chin, but not be choking you.
  • The helmet should have the right pads in it.
  • Ideally be certified to an Australian Standard – and shouldn’t have any visible cracks or damage before use.
If you want to find out about the different between Certified and Non-Certified Helmets, ask any of our staff!  Often this is the difference between a concussion or not!


Hire Equipment:

If you don’t have your own gear, don’t panic!  We have hire scooters and helmets available for you at RampFest for $5 each p/session.

At this stage, we don’t offer hire bikes in regular sessions, but if you're looking at buying a new BMX, you can come down to a Coaching Clinic and you can try out any of the bikes we have in store (under the supervision of the coach)


Step 2:  Read 5 Safety Tips

Safety is our number one priority at RampFest.  If you follow these tips and always ride carefully in the park, you’ll have loads of fun and have the lowest possible risk.

1. Wear your Helmet!

    The single most important part of safety – protect your head!

    We recommend a Certified Helmet all the time!

    2. Look Before you Go

    Look left, right, front to back before you drop in.  

    It’s like crossing a road, but with more looking.

    3. Take short turns.

      Don’t hog the park – short turns make sure everyone gets a good go.

      4. Wait in a Safe Position

        Always sit back from the edge of ramps, and never sit at the bottom of a ramp (you can't be seem here).

        5. It's a Skate Park - Not a Playground

          Ramps are not slippery slides and the park is not a running track.  Stay on your bike / scooter / skateboard at ALL TIMES.

           And remember - RIDE TO YOUR ABILITY - Don’t take crazy risks – work up to every skill gradually.
          For more detailed info on Safety – check out our full page on Skate Park Safety.


          Step 3:  Complete our Wavier Form online.

           Everyone who rides at RampFest needs to fill out a waiver form. 
          Parents / Guardians must sign a form for anyone under the age of 18. 
          Our form is all digital – so please don’t print it out.  Fill out the form here:


          Step 4:  Come on down! 

          Now you’re ready to roll – all you need to do is pick a time to come on in!
          You don't need to book a casual session, just come on in.  
          You can check out our timetable here:


          To get a head start, why not join one of our Coaching Clinics for your first visit! 
          It’s a great way to pick up some skills quickly and learn from the Pro’s. 
          Learn more about Coaching Clinics here:




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