Event Date: Sunday November 26th, 2023

Time: 3pm - 6pm

Join us an RampFest for an awesome Sunday Jam session in our all-new game... Scooter Bingo!

So.. What is Scooter Bingo? Well, it's like a game of SCOOT - but with a bingo card... and everyone can play. These might not be the hardest tricks you've ever tried... but they'll be different...

How does it work?

  1. When you get to RampFest, you'll get a BINGO Card... but this is no ordinary card. Instead of Numbers, there are tricks.

  2. Complete any trick on the card in front of a RampFest Judge, and get it ticked off.

  3. Get ANY complete line across you Card (horizontal, vertical, etc) and shout BINGO

  4. WIN a prize...

This Jam is all about trying some new tricks and sharing stoke - it's more of a challenge than a competition - you're not trying to beat the other riders... you're just trying to complete the best LINE on the card you can.

Some general rules of SCOOTER BINGO:

  1. Each horizontal line is based on Difficulty. The lines at the bottom are "beginner" - the top line is VERY HARD. Don't just complete the easiest line you can... challenge yourself! The Judges will make sure there is no sandbagging...

  2. For a trick to count, it must be seen and approved by a judge - so make sure you get their attention before you drop in...

  3. Snaking other riders consistently will loose you points - share the love on the park.

  4. Resi Counts for all tricks (just for this Jam, cause it's FUN)

  5. There is an overall Time Limit on the jam... if you finish one line... try for a harder line. We'll do a BONUS Award for the MOST Tricks Completed at the end...

Stay up to date with the event on our FaceBook Page

Thank you Grit Scooters & Core for supporting this event!

So many prizes & giveaways provided by these brands, everyone's going to feel like a winner!

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